When it comes to purchasing property in India, an undivided share of land agreement is a crucial aspect to consider. This document outlines the ownership rights of all the co-owners of the property in question. In this article, we will explore what an undivided share of land agreement is, its features, and how it is relevant for legal ownership.

Understanding the Undivided Share of Land Agreement

An undivided share of land, commonly known as UDS, is an agreement signed between co-owners of a property. The agreement defines the percentage of each co-owner’s share in the entire property. The UDS certificate is issued to each owner of the property, specifying their share in the property. UDS is critical when it comes to legal ownership of a property and deals with inheritance, transfer of ownership, and other legal rights.

Features of an Undivided Share of Land Agreement

The UDS agreement comprises several essential features, which are as follows:

Percentage of Ownership: The UDS agreement outlines the percentage of ownership of each individual co-owner. This percentage is allocated based on the area of the property and the number of co-owners.

Area of Property: The land area of the property is evaluated, and the total square footage is calculated. The area is then divided amongst the co-owners based on their percentage of ownership.

Maintenance: The UDS agreement outlines the responsibility of each co-owner towards maintaining the property. The responsibilities may differ based on the percentage of ownership of each co-owner.

Rights of Co-Owners: The UDS agreement recognizes the rights of each co-owner in the property. This includes the right to use common areas of the property, such as terraces, lobbies, and staircases.

How Relevant is the Undivided Share of Land Agreement for Ownership?

The undivided share of land agreement is crucial for legal ownership of a property because it outlines the ownership rights of each co-owner. The agreement also specifies the responsibilities of each co-owner towards maintaining the property. Additionally, the UDS certificate is required when it comes to transferring ownership of the property or in the event of an inheritance.


In conclusion, an undivided share of land agreement is critical when purchasing a property with multiple owners in India. This agreement outlines the ownership rights of each co-owner and is essential when it comes to legal ownership of the property. Investors need to be cautious while investing in properties and ensure that the UDS agreement is in place to avoid any future legal disputes. So, it is important to have a UDS agreement in place, ensuring a smooth transfer of ownership and avoiding any legal issues in the future.